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Individual Counselling and Art Therapy

Topics that can be addressed:

- supporting self-esteem

- interpersonal relationships

- regulation of emotions

- grief (separation, loss of a loved one)

- depression, exhaustion, fatigue

- high anxiety, excessive worrying, tension, panic attacks

- stress and burnout

- dissatisfaction at work, job change or loss

- changes in life

- self-actualization

- creative blocks

- paarisuhteprobleemid

- paari/pere emotsioonide reguleerimine

- pere kommunikatsiooni parandamine

- pereliikmete emotsionaalse läheduse toetamine

- kuidas lapsega kontakti luua

- peremustrite uurimine ja muutmine

- väikeste lastega perede kohanemisprotsessi toetamine


Perinatal mental health counselling

I look forward to helping you if:

- you need psychological support during pregnancy planning or expecting a child;

- you need psychological support in the postpartum period (3 years)

- you need more insight and understanding of what happens to you and your partner during the period of expecting a child;

- you want to tell the story of your pregnancy or childbirth;

- you have experienced a traumatic event - miscarriage or termination of pregnancy, death of a child, traumatic childbirth;

- you need help during infertility treatment;

- you have experienced relationship tensions or separation during pregnancy or after childbirth;

- you need support and information when making important decisions or other related issues.

- if you experience low mood during pregnancy or after childbirth

- if you cannot cope with anxiety during pregnancy or postpartum

Töötoad, loengud ja koolitused

- vaimne tervis (ärevus, emotsioonide reguleerimine, läbipõlemine jne.)

- loovus (loovplokkid, loovuse turgutamine)

- meeskonnatöö toetamine loovate meetodite kaudu

- 0 - 6 a. laste areng ja selle toetamine

- paarisuhe toetamine

- raseduse ja sünnitusjärgse perioodi psühholoogia


Paari- ja Pereteraapia


In my work I use basic principles of solution - focused brief therapy, where relying on the client's strengths and resources plays an important role. The presence of solutions is more important than the absence of problems. New coping strategies are built on strengths and resources. 


My role is to help find those aspects of the situation that the client has not noticed before and to help move towards the client's goals.

With couples and families I use family systems therapy approach which focuses on the communication between family members and the quality of relationships, various developmental crises in the family and the optimal ways of coping with them. 

Art Therapy is a psychotherapeutic activity where we use creative tools and activities. The focus of the work is on the therapeutic process.

Art therapy does not require artistic skills or previous experiences. Therapists help clients through the use of imagination, the natural environment, images, sand, crafts, writing, doodling, drawing, painting, collage techniques. As an art therapist, I consider the client's background and interests. Each process is unique and depends on the specific therapeutic goals.

Art therapy creates an opportunity to simultaneously use two parallel communication channels, helping reach important resources and forward-looking solutions through the creative process, which may prove elusive in solely verbal communication.

Distancing. Depicting the situation on paper allows the client to create distance from the problem and see it from the outside. This enables the client to gain better awareness and understanding of the issue, which ultimately helps in finding the solution to the problem.

Work with emotions. Art allows the processing of emotions. Recognising, distinguishing and accepting emotions is an important part of the therapy process, and art helps in this.

Work with behavioural patterns. Dysfunctional behaviour patterns become visible in art therapy. The client develops the ability to analyse his own actions and create parallels with real life situations. 

A metaphor. When it is difficult to talk about problems directly, metaphors come in handy, where we attribute special meanings to objects or symbols.

Art Installation
My Approach
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